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Unlock the Power of Visual Workflow: Make Overload and Inefficiency a Thing of the Past!" Dive into Workshop 4 on 'Visualization and Work In Progress (WIP) Limits' to supercharge your team's efficiency and master the art of smart task allocation. Don't miss out—get the keys to a streamlined, more productive future today!

  • Date:25/06/2023 08:30 - 25/06/2023 17:30
  • Location Online Event


Workshop 4 : Visualisation and Work In Progress (WIP) limits

08:30 - 09:00: Morning Meet and Greet

  • Start your day with a bang! Grab your coffee, introduce yourself, and set your learning intentions for the day.

09:00 - 09:45: The What and Why of Visualization

  • Get ready to be enlightened! We kick off with the basics: what visualization means in a Kanban context and why it's the cornerstone for efficiency.

09:45 - 10:30: Break Down the Benefits

  • Dive deep into how visualization can benefit your project and your team. Think clarity, focus, and sky-high productivity!

10:30 - 10:45: Coffee Break & Networking

  • You've earned it! Stretch those legs, grab a refreshment, and exchange some quick thoughts with your fellow participants.

10:45 - 11:30: WIP Limits Unveiled

  • Let's get real about Work in Progress (WIP) limits. Discover how they help to optimize the flow of work and reduce stress.

11:30 - 12:30: Hands-on Exercise: Setting Up Your First WIP Limits

  • Put on your creative hats! This is a practical session where you'll set up your own WIP limits. Learn by doing!

12:30 - 13:30: Lunch Break

  • Time to refuel! Grab some lunch and maybe network a little, because the afternoon's going to be a whopper.

13:30 - 14:30: How to Monitor and Adjust WIP Limits

  • Back in the saddle! Explore how to keep an eye on WIP limits and tweak them for continuous improvement.

14:30 - 15:15: Understanding Overload and How to Combat It

  • Ever feel overwhelmed? We’ll discuss how WIP limits can be your best friend when the going gets tough.

15:15 - 15:30: Afternoon Energizer & Quick Break

  • Grab a quick snack and let's power through the final stretch!

15:30 - 16:15: Effective Task Allocation Strategies

  • Get set to crack the code on how to allocate tasks smartly, ensuring smoother workflows and happier teams.

16:15 - 17:00: Practical Workshop: Visualize Your Own Workflow

  • It's game time! Get hands-on experience in creating your own visual board and set up WIP limits.

17:00 - 17:30: Closing Remarks and Q&A

  • Before we say our goodbyes, let’s review what we've learned, answer any lingering questions, and discuss next steps.