Advantages of Implementing Contextual Learning in the Workplace
Contextual learning

Advantages of Implementing Contextual Learning in the Workplace

Here are five key reasons why you  should consider a training with contextual learning strategies.

1.Quicker, More Effective Learning Outcomes With the growing trend of personalized learning, especially after the widespread adoption of remote work, tailoring training to specific job roles is seen as more effective in enhancing employee productivity. Contextual learning achieves this by aligning the training with the learner’s role and real-world scenarios, leading to stronger knowledge reinforcement in a shorter time.

2.Enhanced Retention and Understanding Research indicates that people forget about 50% of new information within an hour, and about 70% within a day. Contextual learning combats this by integrating learning into the daily workflow, aiding in better retention and helping to overcome the tendency to forget.

Consider the example of learning a new HCM software like Workday HCM. Traditional group demos, while informative, often lead to challenges in retention and application. However, contextual learning offers personalized training, tailoring the learning to each user’s specific needs, thus enhancing retention and productivity during the learning process.

3.Improved Learning Experience: Contextual learning enriches the learning experience by allowing employees to apply what they learn to real-life scenarios. This not only makes the learning process more enjoyable and effective but also boosts workforce agility and adaptability in challenging situations.

4.Simplification of Complex Tasks In traditional learning environments, employees may lose focus or only grasp certain parts of the training. Contextual learning presents materials in a sequential, building-block manner, enabling employees to fully grasp each part before progressing, resulting in more comprehensive learning.

5.Enhanced Employee Engagement Contextual learning enhances employee engagement by linking the learning process directly to their daily tasks. This leads to more efficient and effective learning, which in turn drives deeper engagement in their roles.