Is Traditional Classroom Training Adequate?
Contextual Learning

why do numerous businesses persist with traditional classroom-based training ?

Traditional training

I discovered that traditional training sessions in organizations about Agile frameworks often lead to a loss of attention and motivation among employees, culminating in minimal returns for the companies. These classical training methods, despite the substantial financial investment they entail, frequently fail to meet expectations. One key problem is the duration of these sessions; they are often too lengthy, resulting in a gradual decline in participant engagement and focus. This prolonged exposure to dense information can be overwhelming for attendees, leading to diminished absorption of the material presented.

Moreover, I've noticed that specific trainings, such as those for Scrum masters and Product Owners, can be particularly challenging. These sessions, intended to impart a wealth of knowledge and skills, can become counterproductive due to their complexity and the sheer volume of information. Participants often leave these trainings feeling overloaded, which hinders their ability to effectively apply what they've learned in practical settings. This not only affects the individuals but also impacts the overall team dynamics and project progress within the organization.

In essence, the traditional approach to these training sessions, with their one-size-fits-all methodology and disregard for the cognitive limitations of participants, leads to a considerable waste of resources. It's a pattern I've seen repeatedly: significant resources are allocated, but the expected improvement in skills and knowledge within the teams doesn't materialize as hoped. This situation calls for a re-evaluation of training strategies to ensure that investments in employee development yield tangible, positive results in terms of both individual performance and organizational success.

Death by Powerpoint

The philosophy of in eschewing traditional PowerPoint-based trainings is rooted in a commitment to more effective, engaging, and practical learning methods. The term "death by PowerPoint" aptly captures the drawbacks of relying solely on PowerPoint presentations for training. This phrase reflects a situation where audiences are subjected to long, monotonous slideshows that often result in boredom, disengagement, and a significant drop in information retention. 

PowerPoint presentations, while useful as a supporting tool, can become counterproductive when overused. They typically encourage a one-way communication style, where the trainer speaks and the audience listens, often passively. This format lacks interactive elements that are crucial for adult learning, where engagement, discussion, and hands-on activities significantly enhance understanding and retention. recognizes that effective learning, especially in fields like Agile and Scrum, requires more than just theoretical knowledge. It demands an immersive experience where learners can interact, ask questions, participate in real-world scenarios, and apply concepts in practical situations. This approach aligns well with the principles of Scrumban, which emphasize flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

By moving away from PowerPoint-dominated sessions, aims to create a dynamic learning environment with contextual learning. This environment fosters active participation, critical thinking, and practical application of concepts, leading to a deeper understanding and better preparation for real-world challenges. The goal is not just to impart knowledge but to equip learners with the skills and confidence to apply this knowledge effectively in their professional roles.